Sunday 21 December 2008

Our Prelapsarian Propensity

Our Prelapsarian Propensity

The greatest natural tendency of humanity is to downplay our fallen-ness, conjuring an idyllic state fraught with our own delusion regarding our stance with one another. Interestingly this stance holds no hope, and no peace because in this state we only hope in ourselves.

The greater the disillusionment (the closer we place ourselves to a god like status) the greater the inclination we have to foul things up. The degree to which we foul things up plays in large part to the depth and breadth of our circle of influence. Those who "do no wrong" with a limited circle of influence will merely foul up their relationships, and perhaps those attached to them.

However, as history suggests those with a large circle of influence with this fatal flaw wreak havoc on societies. I suppose the crusaders could have been "proclaimers of the gospel" instead of wielding the sword of "righteousness" yet with the do-no-wrong demi god like status of their leaders, the results were catastrophic the hatred between word-views goes on to this day. Modern day examples such as cultic leaders who force mass suicide in the name of Jesus - or even those promoting a less contentious parlay with no moral base, have the same potential effect.

Tied up in this micro belief (for it is held within ourselves not publicly en-mass) is a macro reality, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" is contingent upon placing yourself rightly "behind' the others in your life. This stance begins with a view of yourself that is fallen and in need of redemption.

When we rid ourselves of this belief and consider ourselves in our rightful place of fallen and broken we actually have a shot at true greatness - through true service to humanity.


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