Saturday 6 December 2008

Hard nights, Impossible days, good books

On a Sunday, this book: Spectacular Sins: And Their Global Purpose in the Glory of Christ by John Piper (Crossway)  did not make sense to me - well not entirely, then four short days later, it all clearly came into focus. There perhaps are few things that see us through difficult times. Crack Cocaine is one way, so is consuming copious amounts of alcohol. These ways perhaps are well proven in our society as means of escape - there are others which do not have near the detrimental effect.

This book along with another I read (the Bible) doesn't make any sense, while at the same time holding all things together. It is hard to understand isn't it? Why, one will have a stillborn child they desperately wanted, while another will give birth to a healthy child they will go on to murder 6 short months later - THAT does not make sense! And yet here I have mentioned two books which bring these odd matters together in perfect unison, under an authority higher than any one of us.

In the midst of  this desperate circumstance my wife asked me 'the reason'. My response? (Which admittedly was inspired by these two books)

"Honey, the reason does not lie in the past, it lies in the future."

slv2all - (specifically my hurting wife at this point)

1 comment:

Malloy's Memoirs said...

Justin, my prayer for you and Lynn at this time of tragedy is this......that God would graciously draw you both into praise and worship, in suffering. Few get there, but when they do, God's glory is revealed. I pray that you will experience His peace that surpasses all understanding, even in this.
Ezekiel 6:10
Love to you and your whole family,
Christine Malloy