Monday 20 September 2010

Stuck in the land between

Dr Seuss in his world renowned book "Oh the places you'll go" describes waiting this way:

You can get so confused
that you'll start in to race
down long wiggled roads at a break-necking pace
and grind on for miles cross weirdish wild space,
headed, I fear, toward a most useless place.
The Waiting Place...

"...a most useless place."

Have you ever been there? Right now I am psychologically locked into a place of waiting that will spell something indescribable.

I am hoping and begging for indescribable JOY.

A couple of blogs back (really I should do this more) I wrote about my wife and I loosing a daughter to stillbirth.

Lynn is 37 weeks and counting, I have never been more freaked out.

Our doctor - a specialist, who has been watching Lynn like a hawk told us that we would be induced this thursday. I can't describe what happened in my wife and I's heads last friday, it was like we were finally "allowed" to start planning for this baby.

And so we started cleaning, and preparing, and shopping like mad, and getting the cradle ready, and getting the car seat back from a friend and prepping for the baby like nobody's business, because we are having a baby.

We are having a baby.

And those words bring me to my knees, where I again beg God for Mercy.

Please Lord, Let us have this baby, that we may honour you with another little one who follows you and knows your voice.

This has been the most obscure part of my life, and I feel as though I am on the very precipice of his most abundant blessing - and yet, I continue to guard myself.

Have you ever been here?

have you been to the waiting place?

If you have, please take a brief moment and share - by making a comment bellow.


1 comment:

susanarcher said...

yes Justin I've been to that waiting place too. And it changes your life, or maybe it's the previous event that changes your life. But you no longer take for granted the things that others seem to. It's scary, but at the same time it leads you to depend on God in a way you wouldn't have otherwise. And it also allows you to feel the JOY in an incredibly deeper way...after the wait.

Also you can feel the presence of God in a new and different way as you wait....or maybe it's that we're finally depending totally on God to get us through this as we really realize 'hey guess what ?? I'm not in charge after all" (which is a good thing lol)...I'm not sure, but that presence alone is worth the wait...