Saturday 6 November 2010

a picture worth a thousand thoughts

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, this one is worth a thousand thoughts.

That is me, looking at my wife in a hospital bed, 6 weeks ago just after our daughter was born. We have been through hell. Lost our last daughter at the end of her last pregnancy. StillBorn. It ripped at us from every angle.. this picture is part of the ... and back, part of the the 'through hell and back' saying.

I can't remember what I was thinking, I think I was just overwhelmed.

Overwhelmed at the grace that has been shown to me, someone who did not deserve it. Sure Life tosses you shit from time to time, but to you in north america, you won the great lottery of life. you have a car, a cell phone, medical insurance, a great government so much food you end up tossing the bits you just can seem to stuff in.

CJ Meheney a preacher in the US has a saying - I stole it.

when asked 'how are you doing?' he responds
'Better than I deserve"

so do I.

because despite all that crap that has hit the fan, I have fat around my belly, four healthy kids, a wonderful bride to share life with, great friends, wonderful saviour, and the list goes on.

thanks to all of you who have shared in the journey,


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