Friday 18 November 2011

Continual Self Improvement

Hay blog,

It has been a while.

Friend of mine Matt Schultz asked me why I hadn’t blogged. Ask me why I blogged when the journey was rough, but haven’t in so long.

Matt said something else that inspired me to write this, he said he missed my writing.

Thanks Matt

It has been a while.

As you may note, my blog posts come from the heart. From some place deep within, kinda like that place that groans first thing in the morning, or that place deep inside you where smiles are born. In the midst of frustration and pain, my head was looking for answers to what I was feeling deep down there, and this blog was my way of getting those out and dealing with them, to work things out.

I find myself in a continual state of personal improvement.

It is either a sucky place to be, or a great place to be, I haven’t decided yet.

What I do know, is that life is better. Some pages down on this blog you will notice a very personal awareness with a deep issue (Pornography) that I was struggling with. You will be happy to know that today is day 850.

Does that mean that I exist in a constant state of marital bliss?


It is far more visceral than that. It means we still fight, but we fight about different things.

Does it mean I’m the model husband?


Socks on the floor in balls, underwear for some reason missing the hamper by a whole room, dishes in the sink instead of the dishwasher, van outside, heated garage full of crap.

Does it mean I’m in love with my Bride.


Yes, it sure does.

Does it mean I don’t get frustrated with my kids? No, it means I’m trying harder than ever to be a great dad. Harder than ever to create deep abiding relationships with those closest to me.

So what does it mean? Well for me it is one more cog on the flywheel of continual self improvement. It means I’ve done some things right, built some good habits, but I still have a long long way to go.

Someone asked me lately if I believe People can change. Filled with all sorts of awkward emotion I said Yes… Yes, I believe people can change – if they want to.

Second question – do you believe you are good.

(more awkward emotion welling to near tears…) No, I believe I am valuable, I believe my value was written in blood by my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who died for me, so I could experience freedom and JOY!

So this is what I believe. I believe all people are valuable, every single one of us, I exclude NO-ONE from the list of people who were crated with value. Not the pope, not the president, not environmentalists, not me, not the murderers, not rapists, no one. All are created – equally valued by the one who created us.


It is up to us if we are going to be someone who adds value, instead of taking it away.

On my journey of self improvement, in every area of life, am I adding value? Am I adding as much value as I can? Is there an opportunity to add value that I am currently not adding value to? Why am I not adding value, why am I holding back?

Are you adding value? Are you adding as much as you can?

Thanks for reading.

And Matt, thanks for your encouragement.


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