You are what you eat.
But what about this?
You are what you do.
I’ve been thinking a lot about neurology lately, about the
way our brains work – I’ve been reading a book, called the Happiness
Advantage,. And it is making me think about my thinking.
I’ve always been one to think about my thinking, I’ve
studied neurological plasticity before, written about it before, but this book
is challenging me in a new way – good ways, to think about my thinking, because
my thinking is my becoming.
I was searching for a way to describe this, this morning on
my drive to work, and then at the T intersection of my road, and a highway
(where I normally turn left) I instead took a right – and went to work the
wrong way, the longer way. A different way.
Lots of reasons, but it gave me some needed clarity, some
new things to see, and some added to time to think and reflect, so here are
some thoughts.
Starting something new: GRRRRRRRRRR
When was that last time that you started something new? Our
family just recently started our two older kids on triathlon club. This turned
our regular Wednesday nights upside down, and our regular Sunday mornings into
a new mess. Usually we have a lazy Sunday morning and get our butts to church
by 11:00, now I have to load bikes and trainers, and organize snacks, and water
and crap into the van and drive to the meeting place by 10:00.
Totally different.
And a complete frustration.
Well, at least in the short term.
Something new always adds a level of frustration – always, at
least that is my experience. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing – it is a
good thing, because what is actually happening neurologically is that you brain
is changing to adapt to your new schedule/surrounding/experience. Have you
heard the term “stuck in a rut” well, that is actually a PHYSICAL state of
mind. Critical thinkers criticize, optimistic people are optimistic (optimize?)
hard workers work hard, work out junkies work out, movie go-ers go to movies,
healthy eaters eat healthy, gun owners own lots and lots of guns. Almost all,
like 99% of our values, daily actions, mindsets ETC are rooted in our habits,
good, bad, or indifferent. But here is the good news about the new SCIENCE of
neurological plasticity, you can change, you only need one thing.
Oh, and one more thing about that change, it is going to be
frustrating – so if to that DESIRE you add community – someone else- then you
have a real shot of making the change stick, because often times, we abandon
the new, to get back into the rut of the old.
So how am I doing at this?
No seriously this sucks. It is hard, in the last 2 years
I’ve dropped an addiction to Online Porn, I’ve worked hard to restore my
marriage, I’ve changed churches, I’ve switched up my job situation (with new
people to work with at Thomson Cabinets) I’ve begun a cultural shift of epic
proportions at Heritage Family Services, I’ve tried to save Berachah Place from
being shut down, I started working out 2-3 times a week with my friend Maynard,
and swimming twice a week with my girls, diet changes, etc, and just last week,
on Friday, I went through “inventory” on my 12 steps to recovery which put ALL
of my past memorable relationships into a new perspective for me.
Saturday morning I woke up, looked at my phone, put it back
down again, on a bunch of pocket change which I hadn’t put away, the noise
irritated me, and I was OFF.
I spent the weekend OFF. DONE. FRIED. My poor wife annoyed
me, my poor kids annoyed me, my poor dog annoyed me, my house annoyed me. Going
to triathlon club annoyed me. If you saw me, I wasn’t smiling, I was grumpy.
Because I was OFF
Ever watch a sporting event , when your team is OFF, and
there is nothing that can be done to get them back on again?
So for those of you that wonder, about this Justin Hubert
guy, who always tries to be positive, maybe you wonder if that is fake, or
whatever. Well here is my take:
You have your normal way of interacting with your family
right. Like in stressful situations. K, lets pick…. late for practice rushing
supper to the table, and gotta leave in 15 minutes – that kind of situation –
who are you in it? How do you talk? How do you deal with your kid spilling milk
AGAIN? Now, just add ONE of your kid’s friends into that situation – just add
OnePerson. And guess what, it changes the whole dynamic, now, you say things
like “Oh its ok sweetie, I’ll clean it up. So what, are you being fake? No, I
don’t think so I think you are being real in both situations, I think the
latter situation with the friend is just the person you more want to be like.
This is more about outlook. I am seriously working on me, and its hard work. And, I have a positive outlook,
practically where rubber meets road, it’s a bit more grindy. And I think we
will all get there. The new science of the mind states that we can actually
change PHYSIOLOGTICALLY the make up of our minds, but our desire has to
outpace/outweigh the depth of our habit/rut. It is possible to rise above, to
go beyond, to be positive in the face of adversity. Make small incremental changes towards the person you want to
be in the future.
This has been a bit of a negative read, thanks for making it
this far, I’m posting it, because it is where My head is today. Thanks much and
remember – you are what you do, so take what you do that is great – and do that