Monday, 27 February 2012
Keep them CLOSE
Friday, 24 February 2012
what you see is what you get
What you see is what you get.
What do you see?
Change what you see, change what you get, change what you do, change who you are.
What you see informs what you do.
Proof: you see a cardboard box in the middle of the street, you swerve to avoid it.
Well you do….
A five year old wants to build a fort out of it.
A community minded person wants to see who’s it is and see if they can help get it back to its owner.
An opportunist wants to see if there is anything in it of value.
A homeless man wants to live in it.
This from a cardboard box.
How do you see in your spouse?
How do you see your kids?
How do you see your job?
When you wake up in the morning, how do you see your world?
You can wake up, and tell yourself that life is hard, that you have a ton to overcome, that you have to struggle and fight your way through your day.
That is exactly what you will do.
This morning I woke up, swung my feet over my bed, and took a breath.
I was thankful for warmth. Thankful for food. Thankful for running water. Thankful for my beautiful wife. Thankful for my awesome kids. Thankful for my car. Thankful for the gift of transportation. By the time I got to starbucks I had a huge smile on my face, and as I put a lid on my coffee the barista said to me “have a great day!” I said in return “It already is the best day I've ever had!”
Her response kinda shocked me in a cool fun way as she said:
“That is two days in a row!”
That made me smile even more.
Life is beautiful.
All Humans are born with natural potentials. We each are born with the exact same natural potentials. And our goal as parents must be, to understand and explore these potentials.
Beyond our kids, we should seek to understand what the potentials of ourselves are, of what our friends are, of what our spouse is, AND we should seek to draw out the BEST in each other. By being positive, by being energetic, by believing in each other.
You are amazing. Your potential, is probably beyond what you think it is. Life isn’t hard – it is a GIFT!!
You are beautiful, because you were born with the exact same human potential as any other person that has ever walked this globe before you!
Tomorrow, try and see things differently.
For what they really are. Or perhaps….
For what they could be….
Thursday, 23 February 2012
You don’t know what you’ve got until its gone.
You don’t know what you’ve got until its gone.
This blog post is about relationships.
And guys I want you to read it.
I came so close to botching this up completely, sometimes, when it’s quiet, and its just me, it really freaks me out how close I got to giving up.
Don’t throw in the towel.
Ok, here it goes. (that was the guy pep talk)
I watched a video recently (apparently a viral one) in which a dad “responds” to his daughters “inappropriate” rant on Facebook by posting a video (to her wall) . In the video, he “lays down the law” and then gets up from his chair and literally puts 6 bullets into her laptop.
What do you think? Appropriate? Funny? Entertaining?
Or how about my favorite (ya, the response I hate)
(ooooh nothing gets me like apathy)
Its 2012, and in this day and age relationships are different, WAY different than they ever have been. We have instant communication, Facebook, twitter, text messaging. Dad’s used to say good bye in the morning, and that was it until supper. If Dad worked away, that was it, for weeks at a time. Now it is different, and part of that is good, and part of it, well, not so good.
So, you have relationships.
Friends, Spouse, Kids, Siblings, etc.
Life used to demand that we keep relationships in check. Because without them you starved to death, or died alone in the cold.
We used to need relationships to survive.
Now you need them to thrive.
More than likely, you can think of one relationship that pisses you off, gets you angry, and well just isn’t working – it doesn’t bring you joy, or fulfillment, or peace or happiness. And, you can also think of times when the relationships you consider good, they make you feel that way too.
Let me try and put this in perspective.
There are moments – pure ones that are full of everything you want in life! Fun moments, when you are out with your friends, and its just good solid times, things are clicking, and you are happy. I’ve had moments like that with my little kids like 3-year-olds, good times giggling away at nothing. Or even just good times, like having a camp fire and couple of beers. Or Heck, what about sex with my wife, when we both want to be with each other?
Good times.
We have all had them. How come we can’t make them last?
Not so long ago, I spent the majority of my life in agony over my relationships. Mad. Angry. As a matter of fact, I was so angry and frustrated that a cop (after asking me three times if I was ok) pulled his badge on me, and asked me one more time. “Sir, are you ok?” I can’t tell you how close I was to doing something really stupid.
What changed?
What makes the good times last? What makes anger short? Forgiveness quick? What makes Relationships that continually bring you Joy?
Simple. Understanding them, and working on them.
And this is what the dad in the viral video gets so wrong, his stupid senseless reaction isn’t building his relationship with his daughter. It’s killing it.
Killing it.
A 12 month old crying in her high chair because she didn’t get what she wants – what does the mother do? Takes the child out, and brings her close. Does it help to yell? No. Does it help to hit? No. It helps to draw close and soothe.
2nd situation Your best friend looses their 14 year old daughter to a car accident. What do you do? You go over, and you may not know what to say, but you stay in their presence. Does it matter if they are swearing and yelling? Or throwing things? No.
We have lost our intuition.
Lets get it back.
Deep abiding joy in relationship is possible.
Friday, 3 February 2012
Existing or Living
Often, we get bogged down in the daily grind.
A question was asked to @joJDFT by @katrinalandry – she was looking for some writing on it, some perspective. I copied the question, pasted it into note pad, and let it bang around in the grey matter for a couple of weeks.
Yesterday I got my answer.
A lot of swinging my legs over the bed, taking a breath, (checking twitter….), stretching my shoulders, making my way through the darkness to find my pants, and start my day.
A bowl of cereal.
A step on the scale.
Finish getting dressed.
Start the vehicle. Feed the dog. Share a moment of thankfulness with the creator – looking at the creation around me.
Meetings, memos, coffee, reading, twitter, training, thinking, coffee, wishing, meeting, hoping, reading twitter, deciding, creating agenda, ideas, responding, questioning, more coffee, responding, processing.
Lunch. Maybe a workout.
Afternoon looks kinda the same. Then drive home, greet my family – try to BE there for them, try to apply what I’m learning about how to connect relationally with those that are important to me. Squeeze in these couple of hours of meaningful time, some teaching for my kids and some love for my wife. Then tasks take over, we do dishes, feed the dog again, etc, etc, fall into bed will hitting – repeat.
What does that even mean?
As near as I can tell, it is the moments when something deep inside me goes POP! It is hard to explain, it isn’t necessarily emotional, but it can be, it’s like a moment when a bunch of stuff gets mysteriously connected. When past dreams and ideas suddenly come to fruition, when passions beget deep abiding joy. The moments when I have felt most alive are the moments when what is currently happening engages a deep sense of purpose mixed with history, and pride, and joy, to the extent that –THIS MOMENT propels me forcibly into the future to want to do more, to be more, to never be satisfied again with status quo.
For a couple of brief moments yesterday, I felt alive.
And it came with the small voice of an awesome man named ‘Jay’ who in his own way, said thank you.
On any given day Berachah Place, is an odd wellspring of help to Red Deer’s hurting and homeless. It is a simple space, located behind Dino’s in downtown, a stones throw from strip clubs, and night clubs. 120 of Red Deer’s homeless get help there.
A shower.
A bite to eat.
Free clothing.
Every once in a while, you wonder if what you have been supporting, what you have been doing makes a difference.
Then you have a crystallizing moment. When a simple yet profound words are spoken.
What does Berachah mean to you?
These words resonated deep within my soul. And frankly, made me feel for a brief moment, that I was truly living. Somewhere back there, something little that I did, made a difference to a guy named Jay.
To exist, is to plod along, taking from this existence.
To live, is to give life.
I could have never imagined being a part of a story like Jay’s and as we sat there and listened to him recount the tale of addiction, and hurt, and how he was helped, and set free… And as tears welled up, we realized. We are a part of something special.
Because no matter how low, life is special, and giving it the opportunity to grow and flourish is a power each of us have.
This year we are doing our first annual fundraiser. You can help be a part of the story, for a person like Jay. Sign on today by following the links.
Go for a walk.
See a video of Jay’s story here: