Saturday, 27 April 2013

Desire, the FUEL for brain change

Desire, the FUEL for brain change

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.


What are some very examples of Desire being fuel? Well, any time you wanted to learn something.! A lot of the things that we learned we learned as kids – percentage wise, we do MOST of our learning  while we are young – we mastered our first language, learned to walk run talk, bicycle, play various sports, musical instruments, how to whistle, draw, colour, blow our nose, etc. 

But just because we are older, doesn’t mean that our brains don’t have the capability for change, and there are some more recent memories that you and I have about these ongoing changes our brain is able to make. First up lets remember our drivers license,  those first moments in the car were brutal  - frustrating, and awkward, but today – driving is second nature.  What pulled you through? Desire. The desire to drive on your own.

Another example would be if we took you and put you into a big rig, as tough as truckers are, those first few moments in a big rig, are uncomfortable, and awkward, but within weeks or months - because we have the DESIRE to learn- we stick to it, and eventually are able to handle most situations with ease.

Same can be said for your first job like becoming a cashier for the first time – there is an initial time of frustrations then because of DESIRE (I want to keep this job), with time and persistence, all of the codes are memorized, we know what the buttons do, and we become successful in learning.

Start any new thing and there is an uncomfortable time while you learn your new role – but you push forward – again with DESIRE, and learn the new thing.

Each one of these simple examples is positive example of where DESIRE precedes actually brain change, and then continues to FUEL it. – the new actions that you are not used to are you brain finding new process maps, and at first this is chunky, but eventually after repetition it becomes second nature. The driving force behind these changes is your DESIRE.  It doesn’t matter if it is learning new job, or how to do a new hairstyle, the frustration followed by success is your brain changing.

But what about negative brain change? What about learning bad habits? What about when you seem to move backwards in life? Or you seem to have the inability to move forward? Well, it is the same basic process, but there are fundamental errors at play- in essence our DESIRE is in the wrong place, and it can lead to being stuck and depressed. In this place – the fundamentals of brain change are still at play, Desire is still FUEL, but it is pulling us in the wrong direction!

Negative brain change occurs when things happen TOO us. In other words when there are circumstances beyond our control, these time too can bring about brain change.

First lets have a list of a couple of example of negative brain change – or things happening to us:
a car accident
Someone bullies us
Someone we care about
Our parents get divorced
Someone hurts us

When something like this happens it is very easy to get “stuck”: into a series of thoughts that seem to spiral round and round.

Basically what is happening is that our DESIRE has changed!

Think about it, when you had the desire to do something ANYTHING, you put yourself through the discomfort of brain change and eventually got to your goal. But when your DESIRE is for wishing “something in the past did not happen” where are you going? You are going around and around the past event as if it is a place to go!

If I drew a picture of this it would look like this:

We are attracted to our DESIRES, we want them, we focus on them, until we have them, right? But what happens when our DESIRE get’s stuck in the past, for something we wish would not have happened? It might even be a mistake we made, but more likely we get STUCK on DESIRES because of things that happen to us. And because we are creatures that focus on our desires, we end up fixated on these thoughts and regrets about the past. The trouble is we end up right back where we started, when our desire is fixated on things we can’t change.

Positive brain change always makes us better, and in essence, so does negative brain change, but, look at what you get better at! You get better at lying, cheating, hating, better at anger, being in pain, better at depression, self loathing, missing out, as you spin around and around your desire for the past to be different, you are not taking yourself to new highs, you are taking yourself to new lows. 

Brain change is always adding to a previous experience, we learn to stand, then to walk, then to run, then to balance on one foot, then to ride a bike, then to ride a unicycle. There are numerous examples of this of things YOU have done, so don’t feel useless, you have done this in the past and you can do it in the future too! First you learn to drive a go cart, then a car, then a school bus, then a big rig. Pilots who learn to fly the largest planes in the sky didn’t get put at the stick of those planes the first day – they started out in a Cesna, just like everyone else!!!

When we do positive brain change continually, the limits are literally endless – when our desires are focused on possibility. However when our desires are focused on inward unchangeable realities we don’t further ourselves positively, we fuel our own downward spiral.

This is compounded when we are alone, because it is very hard for us to self realize the mistakes we are making, and FURTHER compounded when people pointing out our faults feels like an attack.

So what is the way out? 2 things really, a goal, and a change. First the goal, it doesn’t really matter what it is, but pick something, in the future, that you can most likely achieve if you put your mind to it. When you are picking this thing, have a look at what others are doing that are your age, have similar life situations etc. For instance, pick a physical goal, running a 10K, or weight lifting, or picking a job you want, or even a future purchase you want.

A mindset change. This is longer term, but the change I am talking about is a change of mindset. It can be a change like this:
From “I will never get over this” to “I am hurt”
From “I am hurt” to “I want to be better”
From “I am useless” to “I want to find something I am good at”
From “I am ashamed” to “I want heal”

A mindset change, is the idea of changing the way you speak to yourself. The way that you speak to the person in the mirror. Even the way that you “hear” people around you, the real trick is to start slow and build on the experience, realizing that this is going to take months and years, not minutes. When someone says “you are beautiful/talents/strong” how do you respond (if only in your head) do you say, “well except for” or “no not really” or, “not if you knew what I did last night”? Mindset change is difficult, and it often works best by involving other people, who can positively speak into your life.

Find what you want, be it a mindset change, life change or both! Write it down, and repeat it to yourself every day, multiple times a day, every time your initial thought comes into your mind. So if the thought “I am hurt” keeps coming to mind,  all you want to add to it at first is “I am hurt, but I want to be better” later, you start dropping the “I am hurt” part, and slow by slow, your saying becomes “I want to be better, and, I’m getting better everyday” then it can slowly morph into “I’m getting better everyday, I look forward to what I can accomplish,” and “I look forward to what I can accomplish, this is going to be great!”, and “This is going to be great, I am  awesome”

“I am hurt” is a long way from even wanting to believe that “I am AWESOME.” The transition is slow.

The real trick in all of this is finding something positive you can focus on, and reframing our words to be words full of power, and forward movement, of desires that take us forward. Few people, when writing things like this out would write, “I am stuck in this place of depression and anxiety, and fear, and I want to stay here for the next 10 years of my life.” Yet in our daily practice we live this reality out day after day.

The other major component in all of this is the need for other people. The other REAL component of this is the conversation you are having with yourself! Words have power! We all know this intuitively, if  you tell a small child that they suck, that they are useless, and that they should just quit, long enough, damaged self esteems emerge, we all know this! So, why do you keep saying unhelpful things to yourself? And yet it is so hard to see ourselves repeating patterns, this is why we need other people.!

I did this for years, I got into a real bad head space. A space where I woke up asking myself things like “how am I going to screw up today?” My community of friends dragged me out of it kicking and screaming. How, it took authenticity, it took me, saying what I was really thinking. I like to ask people this question when talking about authenticity ; “If you went to a therapist for help with depression, and all you did was lie during the sessions, how far would you get regarding fixing the problems?”

Not very far.

(Authenticity + Desire) x (Brain change) = a brand new YOU


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Bring Your Tears to Me!

Bring your tears to me!

I overheard a 4 year old today in a public place, telling mom “time outs DON’T WORK they just make me ANGRY. My own children overheard more, things apparently, the child apparently said “if you want me to be happy STOP GIVIG ME TIME OUTS. To be sure, public places with kids, especially leaving times can be VERY stressful, often in these times you have to rely solely on the status of your relationship with your kids. In an odd balancing act, your kids actually seem to hold the balance of power in public, so how do you makes sure things “go your way?”  Simple, make sure you have their hearts.

And ya, that isn’t so simple. (intentional grammatical error)

Something’s come into, and go out of style. Not just Prada, not just neon. Timeout’s came into “style” on the heals of another – worse – parenting habit, parents who were beating their children. Seriously, in response to some parents who were really struggling, unstudied “professionals” thought it better to have kids be away from parents during these times of high stress. But sending our kids away from us during times of disagreement in their lives (and repeating this over and over) created a new problem. Our kids learned how to be away from us. Sounds simple, but the effects are really quite catastrophic to relationships when you consider it.

Following the teaching of Attachment Theorist, dr Gordon Neufeld, I have learned, what really happens, psychologically, to children during a time out is that the child is stressed out to the max with proximity anxiety, and, conforms, just in order to be close to the ones she loves. You end up hearing things like “I’ll be good mommy, I’ll be good” But so the thought goes, that a time out was better then a quick swat to the behind, as most of the times this lead to parents abusing their kids. So what do you do?

Parents really do hold the balance between simultaneously “holding their child’s heart” while breaking it in the same moment” I’ll never forget the day I learned from Dr Neufled, about “doing the dance” between ‘futility’ and ‘love’ it is this dance that wins a child’s heart over keeps the relationship strong, while not letting a child rule the roost. Let me describe it this way, Sometimes the best answer is simply no, and it might even take you saying NO to get your point across. Let’s take steak knives, and oh, 2 year olds for instance. As my 2 year old reached for something on the counter beside a steak knife, I could only imagine the consequences, so I yelled NO! – freaked the poor little thing out- and saved the day. Then of course I hugged an consoled, a shaken little girl and told her lovingly why I did what I did, to love and protect her. You can literally transliterate that into ANY and all situations in parenting. Sometimes the answer is no about a movie, sometimes the answer is no about chocolate (thank you Easter candy) sometimes the answer s no about a certain friend (when they get older) and many many other things, wearing helmets, playing with matches – shoot , the list is literally endless!!!

About a year ago, I started doing something with my little 1.5 year old, I called it “Bring your tears to me” plenty of things make little kids cry. What we were doing was saying the place to cry is right here, on my chest, not easy all of the time, and frustrating most of the time.  The big idea is that kids feel taken care of in the moments that hurt most. The real challenge didn’t come with my little girl, the real challenge happened with my boy – who just turned 6, as my wife watched me with him, (in the middle of sending him on a time out) she asked – what about “bring your tears to me?” I took a deep breath and called him back.

Why is this important. Lets pull this idea out a few years (or decades) and ask a question, when all is said and done, what do you want with your kids when they are 20? 25? 30? Well, what I want, is to make that slow transition from Parent to Friend. How are we going to do that? I’ll tell you again, what you already know to be true, Habits are formed, by repeated actions, over the course of a long period of time.  If every time your children get into trouble, every time they get anxious, annoyed, or do something wrong, you send them AWAY from you, where does that take your relationship in 15 years? What habit are you building?

What if we built the habit of closeness during times of stress, or when our kids make mistakes?

Lets look at it from a different angle. You are an adult, and you have a friend, but each time you talk to your friend,  they speak to you in demeaning  tones, and continually tell you what you are doing wrong. Soooooo how much time would you like to spend with this person? Minimal amounts I imagine!! How do we do this with our kids? I’m not saying it is easy, but we (ME included – I fail at this EVERYDAY – just ask my wife – or my kids LOL) must change our language, we must change our WORDS!!!

I’ve said before, and I have heard other parents say before (and you have probably heard yourself say) something like this “I just can’t handle you right now” or “You are to much for me” here is the really funny thing about these saying that we say – we go on to actually HANDLE IT!!! We are sitting in a place where our words can actually be a powerful statement of how awesome we are, and we accidental take a weakened stance. I’ve hear dads say things like “I couldn’t handle if my teenager got pregnant.” Really? Bullshit! Because I have watched men, who previously said things like this, shop at Wal-Mart for diapers, and provide for their kids in moments like these.

I’m in process. I’m learning, and I’m failing. I end each day, asking my kids what they are thankful for, telling them how much I love them, asking them for forgiveness when I screw up. I’m not perfect, but I’m starting to understand that Words have POWER, and I’m starting to use language that empowers me as a parent. If I’m going to handle it anyway, I might as well say I’m going to to begin with. In regards to the stressful times, I’m brining my kids close when they mess up, I’m trying use different words when the going gets rough instead of saying “that is NOT how you tie your shoes” I should say “Here sweetie, let me do that for you, and show you how.” (and ya, that last one is a recent example from today…

Lets keep at this fellow parents, we are not done yet, we have time left, and we will get there – keep the dialogue open.


Read Dr Neufleds book Hold on to Your Kids – available online as well as at Chapters

Visit his web site:
And in the near future – come to a parenting class, or have a parenting discussion with us a Heritage Family Services (still in the works)