Saturday, 5 September 2009

our autochthonal hope

romans 3:23

Most often we see ourselves as originating where (or as being who) we want to be, not, where we are found.

We are found, in the very worst of places, we are found, alone, destitute, hungry for things we should not be hungry for. Longing, for things we should have long forgotten, feeding things which should have been starved, sustaining that which does not bring life.

Here we are found, amidst the pain of our greatest weakness, it could be said, we are found, each of us individually, in the place of our indigenousness human-kind-ness, amidst the anguish of our personal depravity, the soul wrenching indignation of our lostness. Here, we are found.

And, we are found by our good saviour to be worthy of finding, in this most wretched state. We are found worthy, because we are his creation, his subsequent Joy, his best chance and getting his story out, his future glory - at our redemption.

In this mire, oddly, our future character is best formed where it is found. While our tendency is kindled to forget where we are found, this leads to a new -religious- ruin. Our best hope is not to forget but to live as if where we originate from, a fool forgets, the wise spring new life from that which has died, never forgetting this has created nourishing soil.

We are found, not because we are other than indigenous to our depravity, but because we are indigenous to his creation, because it all begins, and all ends with HIM
