Sunday, 19 April 2009


At a recent belt testing for TaeKwonDo I was asked a question by Master Rim, I did not (in my opinion) give an adequate response.

What is the Meaning of Respect?

I have come to understand after much personal (internal) deliberation that respect, is a matter of the soul. It's not that it can be, it is. True respect always holds in conflict the true nature and tendencies of our true self verses our presenting self. I can bow, or do other respectful things, these are outward signs, whether they are a true reflection of an inward reality is quite a different thing. While deliberating this writing, I came up with several examples of this, I am sure you can come up with your own.

This is one:
Opening a door for a woman, is a sign of respect - and we could leave it at that. But doing this in a truly respectful manner, is quite another thing. First, Why am I opening the door? So that others may see what I am doing, so that I may seem like a good person, or so that I may look at the woman? Am I try to get something for myself, or am I truly showing respect? If I try while opening the door to look at the women - a particular feature, this complicates the matter of respect entirely! I am disrespecting the woman, my wife, my belief system, all that I stand for, I am outwardly showing respect and yet inwardly I have none for anyone, including myself.

True respect is simple - and is best kept simple.

Say what you mean, mean what you say
Do what comes from your heart, if what comes from your heart is pure
Deny yourself, if yourself is leading you to ruin.
