Saturday, 14 February 2009

Made to be....

Men and Women - this one may get me in trouble

At times they are so different we wonder what God could possibly be thinking when he created this mess.

Let us ask a question - Who is the natural lover in a man woman marriage relationship?


Let us ask another question - Who is the natural submitter in a woman man marriage relationship?

My dad asked me these questions once as a part of his "read your own verses" talk

The first question is an obvious question is actually quite normal. We have all heard it before, we have all been witness to a man - not loving a woman enough yada yada yada.

Here is the difference. God made us this way, on purpose. See, a man is naturally submissive. What????? Women disagree with this all the time, but this is because women try to obligate their men to do things - they don't - and thus they think this statement is wrong. But hold on here, there is this little thing called world history that actually proves this. I'm not going to spend much time proving women are natural lovers but this one needs some attention. Just think back to, oh, I don't know, the Vietnam war - or any other war for that matter. One man says to a group of men (mostly, yes I know women serve in the armed forces...just let me go here) and although in some times the men are even told "we expect a 50% casualty rating on this mission" they march out and take the hill. They climb and they crawl over their dead comrades, and, they take the hill - because someone in authority told them to.

Go to the work place, put a CEO in a room with two of his managers and when he says"We are going to sell widgets to Denmark" the man will get up and go and figure out how to get this task done, the woman will question. Now don't get me wrong, the woman questions, because she needs to know all the details, she needs to understand how the CEO derived his position - and once she knows that - with reckless abandon (love?) she will go after the same task - and a lot of the time even out preform the man.

Then God says - through the apostle Paul. "Husbands love your wives... wives submit to your husbands"


What the heck - this, is counterintuitive.


And it is the cornerstone of a dynamic union.

Let us ask two more questions:
Who is the perfect person in this man woman union - to understand true love?
Who is the perfect person in this woman man union - to understand true submission?

We are, in effect, our own subject matter experts on our mates God ordained duties in marriage. She will know when you are faking love, because she is the natural lover. He will know when you are begrudgingly 'submissive' because he is the natural submitter.

How do we get it right?

Well first step might be as per my dad's advice "Son, read your own verses."

The step beyond is to talk with your mate, discover what is truly meaningful to each other then with reckless abandon give a gift to your spouse they will truly recognize as authentic.
